Play and Learning Across a Year

Play and Learning Across a Year

Current Research Play and Learning Across a Year Ages: 12, 18, or 24 months What does a typical day look like for you and your baby? Your typical day could give researchers valuable information about how infant play unfolds in real time. We are currently seeking...
Eye Tracking

Eye Tracking

Current Research Interested? Click here to sign up for this study! See more details about how this visit will go in the video below! Eye Tracking Ages: 6 to 9 months & 12 to 14 months In the early stages of life, we begin to make sense of the world through our...
Cafe Consortium

Cafe Consortium

Current Research What does this study involve? Schedule video chat to learn more about the project. Complete one online survey packet about your child’s activities, your emotions, and your experiences as a parent. This survey packet will take about an hour and only be...
Memory Flexibility

Memory Flexibility

Current Research Memory Flexibility Ages: 18 months Many children grow up learning two or more languages and recent research has found differences in cognitive performance between monolingual and bilingual children. Currently we are conducting research looking at how...
Media & The Mind

Media & The Mind

Past Research Media & The Mind Ages: 3 years to 8 years Does your family use video chat? Has your child played on a tablet? We are interested in how your child’s brain works when using different types of media. This study, led by Sylvia, takes place at Georgetown...