Eye Tracking

In the early stages of life, we begin to make sense of the world through our eyes. At the Early Learning Project, we are interested in looking at how young children attend to the information in the world.

Byers-Heinlein, K., Tsui, R.K-Y., van Renswoude, D., et al. (2020). The development of gaze following in monolingual and bilingual infants: A multi-laboratory study. Infancy, 26, 4-38.

Koch, F-S., Sundqvist, A., Birberg Thornberg, U., Ullman, M.T., Barr, R., Rudner, M., Heimann, M. (2020). Data and analysis script for infant and adult eye movement in an adapted ocular-motor serial reaction time task assessing procedural memory. Data in Brief, 29.

Koch, F-S., Sundqvist, A., Birberg Thornberg, U., Nyberg, S., Lum, J.A.G., Ullman, M.T., Barr, R., Rudner, M., Heimann, M. (2020). Procedural memory in infancy: Evidence from implicit sequence learning in an eye-tracking paradigm. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 191.

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